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Hair Transplant, FUE 

Hair transplant procedures should be performed by qualified and experienced hair transplant surgeons or physicians who specialize in hair restoration.

What is the method of FUE hair transplant?

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a method used for hair transplantation. It is a minimally invasive procedure that involves harvesting individual hair follicles from a donor area and transplanting them into the recipient area where hair loss has occurred. Here’s an overview of the FUE hair transplant procedure:

Consultation for Hair Transplant:

You will have a preliminary interview with a hair transplant surgeon who will assess the hair loss situation and discuss your expectations and determine whether you are a suitable candidate for FUE.

Donor Area Preparation:

Preparation of the Donor Area: The donor area is typically the back or sides of the scalp where the hair follicles are genetically resistant to hair loss. This area varies between 15-19 cm in length and 6-12 cm in height. The density of the hair in the donor area varies from person to person. The hair in this area is cut short to facilitate the removal process.

Local Anesthesia:

Local Anesthesia: Local anesthesia is applied to numb both the donor and recipient areas for hair transplantation. This makes the procedure almost painless, although you may feel slight discomfort during the injections.

Extraction of Hair Follicles:

The surgeon uses a small, circular rotating puch instrument ranging in diameter from 0.7 to 1.0 millimeters to remove individual hair follicles from the donor area. The instrument is carefully placed around each follicle and then removed with minimal damage to the surrounding tissues. This process is done manually or with the help of a micro motor. This process is repeated until a sufficient number of grafts are taken.

Recipient Area Preparation:

The planting area where the transplanted hair will be placed is prepared by making tiny incisions or slits using a thin needle or scalpel. The surgeon considers the natural hair growth pattern, density and desired aesthetic result when creating the incisions. (Dr. Arslan is one of the doctors who practice sapphire hair transplantation ).

The surgeon considers the natural hair growth pattern, density and desired aesthetic result when creating the incisions. In hair transplantation, it is important to distribute the hair follicles homogeneously and to apply the front hairline according to the person. Every stage of hair transplantation is important, but the experience of the hair transplant surgeon is more important in order to achieve naturalness in this stage.

Graft Placement or hair implantation :

Each hair follicle taken is carefully placed in the recipient area using forceps or a similar tool. This placement process may vary according to the person’s hair structure and waiting. (such as DHI Hair transplantation..) The surgeon meticulously places the grafts by paying attention to the direction, angle and distribution of the hair for a natural-looking result.

Hair Transplant stages

Post - Hair transplant Care

After undergoing a hair transplant procedure, proper post-operative care is crucial for optimal healing and successful results. Here are some general guidelines for post-hair transplant care:

Post- Hair Transplant Care<br />
hairmedico,hair transplant

When does the transplanted hair come out after hair transplantation?

Hair Growth: You need to be a little patient. Within a few months, new hair begins to grow from the transplanted roots. The rate of growth varies from person to person, but you can expect significant results within 6 to 12 months.

best hair transplant surgeon in turkey

Online Hair transplant Consultation

FUE hair transplantation is considered an effective and advanced state-of-the-art technique for hair restoration and offers natural-looking results with minimal scarring. However, it is important to consult a qualified hair transplant surgeon to determine whether FUE hair transplantation is suitable for your condition. You can have an online consultation with our surgeon for your hair analysis.

Hair Transplant Turkey – Istanbul

One of the most common cosmetic procedures worldwide is hair transplantation. Male pattern baldness may cause stress on men who suffer from this situation, which may result in depression and a desire to withdraw from social activities. If you believe that you may soon experience hair loss, you can make an appointment with one of the top hair transplant clinics and surgeons in Istanbul, Turkey, and begin to enjoy your brand new life. Meet the best hair transplant in Turkey with Hairmedico.

Istanbul is home to the majority of Turkey’s hair transplant facilities, so hair transplant in Turkey has gained popularity worldwide in recent years after which Ankara and Izmir arrive. Additionally, many hair transplant surgeons undertake hair transplant procedures in the several high-level private hospitals that they have contracts. Contact us for the best hair transplant Turkey!

What is Hair Transplant?

Hair transplant is a process by which hair follicles are removed from the “donor site” on one region of the body and placed on the “recipient site”, a bald or balding area. This method is used for the treatment of male pattern baldness. In this treatment, grafts with hair follicles from areas of the head that are genetically invulnerable to balding are transplanted to the hairless scalp. Hair transplantation can be used to cover scars from accidents or surgery, including facelifts and prior hair transplants, as well as to restore hair to the pubic area, chest, beard, and eyebrows.

Why Should You Choose Turkey for a Hair Transplant?

Extensive hair transplant surgery experience in Turkey attracts a lot of people. A group of Turkish doctors were skilled in performing hair transplant treatments because they had become specialists in hair restoration.

The extensive research Turkey has conducted on hair loss has become very well known worldwide. Surgeons have been known for boosting the number of patients being referred after 500 hair transplant clinics and hospitals were built.

Hair Transplant Prices in Turkey

Hair transplant in Turkey prices are quite affordable. A facility in Turkey can provide a hair transplant for as little as £3,000. There are several reasons for that:

  • Turkish Economy: Turkey is a developing country, so the hair transplant cost in Turkey is much cheaper when compared to Europe and the American countries.
  • Living Costs: The cost for the living in Turkey is a lot cheaper than most of the European and American countries.
  • Skilled People: Every hair transplant surgeon in Turkey should have an expertise in their field in order to perform hair transplant surgeries. Therefore, they are highly-skilled in their job.

Types of Hair Transplant

There are three types of hair transplant techniques, which are the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) technique, Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT) and Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) method.

Generally, FUT is not preferred due to the developments in hair transplantation in the recent years.

DHI – Direct Hair Transplantation

DHI is a brand-new method for hair replacement.

The fundamental distinction between DHI and FUE hair transplantation is the procedure used to implant the hair. In the FUE process, follicular units are implanted on incisions made across the entire scalp. Additionally, since a proprietary tool is used for each implantation on the scalp, the DHI approach eliminates the need for any incisions. Robotic hair transplant technology can also be used in conjunction with this technique.

FUT – Follicular Unit Transplant

In the FUT procedure, a patch of skin is taken, separated into distinct groups of follicular units, and then transplanted into the recipient’s area. It is not preferred since it is not practical anymore.

FUE Hair Transplant – Follicular Unit Extraction

The FUE procedure is extremely widespread and well-liked for hair transplant Istanbul Turkey. A punch tool is used to remove hair roots from the donor one at a time, preventing scarring, as opposed to the FUT technique, which leaves a scar on both the donor and recipient.

With the FUE technique, the recipient is identified before the graft is implanted, however with the DHI hair transplant, spotting and grafting are done simultaneously with the Choi implant pen, offering total control of the depth and allowing the direction and angle of insertion of each hair transplant.

Sapphire Hair Transplant

Sapphire FUE method uses sapphire blades despite sapphire being a high-quality stone renowned for its hardness, durability, and brightness. The hair grafts will not have much touch with the external side, there is little risk of tissue damage, and the recovery process is quicker with sapphire since small and narrow channels are opened extremely well.

Sapphire FUE method generally gives the most natural-looking results by a micro motor after applying local anesthesia. Since blades remain sharp longer than the conventional blades, you can get the most comfortable operation with the Sapphire FUE hair transplant.

All-inclusive package for HAIR TRANSPLANT

We provide all-inclusive service to our patients coming from abroad in Turkey’s best hair transplantation center.

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Our contracted tourism agency will offer you a comfortable stay close to the clinic during the treatment process.

Support Multilingue

Interpreter support during the treatment process.

After Care Package

Post-operation Hair Pack (Foam Shampoo + Shampoo+ vitamins + Lotion)

After Care Service

Post-operative follow-up for 1 year by Dr Arslan.


We provide the pickup and drop off with private vip transportation.

Your dedicated advisor is at your disposal to support you in your hair transplant project.

Our consultants are at your service in our Clinic to guide you in realising your hair transplant project and make it easy for you to get a free estimate.
All you have to do is buy your flight ticket and we will organize the rest.
